Shellac – a variety of natural resin, extracted from the secretion of insects (Kerria lacca) called Juneflies (from the red colour), which live in India and Thailand on trees, popularly known as shellac trees. Depending on the type of tree, shellac ranges in colour from yellow to reddish-brown. In India, this resin has been used since ancient times as a dye for colouring clothes. Since the 16th century, it has been a valued furniture finisher, as well as an ingredient in varnish, lacquer and violin varnish. Natural shellac, despite the widespread use of synthetic resins, is irreplaceable in many fields: food industry, pharmaceutical industry, production of paints and varnishes, ink, restoration of historical objects.
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SA06112021 Cognition is a way…
Noctural abstraction
SA20122020 Vita
Erotic transcendence
Temple in Jerusalem III
Temple in Jerusalem II
Unity of Spirit, Thought and…